Expert pet sitters
Your pets are in the best hands!
Fully insured
We ensure all our staff are fully insured so pets are guaranteed to be safe at all times.
First aid trained
All members of our staff must be first aid trained so we can ensure safety!
Police checked
Contented Pets will only take on the friendliest and suitable staff so you can count on us.
Animal lovers
We love your pets as if they are our own. We only take on passionate and loving sitters!
Our team of professionals
Caring, professional dog walking, dog sitting and pet care services for Abergavenny to Brecon and the surrounding areas.
Angela Davies
- Dog Walks
- Cat visits
Fiona Mackay
- Dog walking
Andy & Helen Ives
- Dog walking
- Cat feeding
- Dog home boarding
- Small animal care
Beulah & Richard Cheesman
- Doggy day care
- Dog walking
- Cat feeding
- Dog home boarding
- Small animal care
Mike & Yvette James
- Doggy day care
- Dog walking
- Dog home boarding
- Small animal care
- Cat feeding
Learn more about our services & pricing
We offer a wide range of services including dog walking, cat sitting, small animal care and more! All of these services are offered at competitive but affordable prices from our expert team of passionate carers.